Sunday, May 15, 2011


Hey everyone!

I just got word that I have been officially reassigned to the Mexico program!  Que divertida!

Over the summer I will be taking an immersion course in Guatemala for 3-4 weeks to refresh my memory on Spanish.  It has been over 4 years since I have taken an actual Spanish class, so I'm pretty excited to train my brain to think in Espanol.

August 17th is the big date for Mexico!  I'm really excited for it and will keep you all updated on how things go over the summer in Guatemala.  And of course as soon as I know more information on my exact placement within Mexico, I'll be sure to write about that too.  I'm off to eat some delicious food at Rhombus Guys.


P.S.  Check out my "About this Blog" section for a bit more information about the name.  :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mission re-placement

So... the last few days have been a little interesting.

Unfortunately, Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) had to withdraw the program from Slovakia for this year.  It is truly a sad thing.  I found out just this last Thursday and am in process of communication with country coordinators from Mexico, UK, and Malaysia.  I am eager to see where life will take me with this new bit of information.

I am hoping to find out before the end of school where exactly I will be heading.  So your prayers/thoughts for my discernment and placement are certainly welcome!

I will try to update as soon as possible.
