About This Blog

What does it mean to share bread?

Everyone has a hunger, both physical and relational.  Sharing bread with one another is about feeding both of them.   The ritual of sharing bread with one another symbolizes the nourishment of both body and spirit.  In a word, communion.  It is sharing the literal bread of communion.

Every Sunday, we relive this sacrament of communion with one another and with the sacred.  We share in this mutual blessing because it reminds us of the grace we receive each day from God.  The bread is broken and divided among God’s people, among everyone.  We are invigorated with the very essence of life and love.

Yet communion is more than just receiving grace from God.  It is also about the mutual blessings we can share with one another.  The very act of communion is a sign of our relationship with each other, our willingness to come together at a table and eat.  Communion is about giving grace to one another no matter what.  We each bring our own leavening and with it create a loaf of bread that is full and delicious.  

I hope that as you read this blog, my stories can inspire you to think about the ways your life intersects with the world.  How do you commune with the people living around you?  How can we be a neighbor to someone living across the country or halfway around the world?  

My story is but one.  I don’t have all the answers, I can only write about what I see.  Please enjoy it and feel free to comment where you feel like it!  Remember that we share a simple call in life and that is to share bread with one another.  Share this bread through stories both sad and happy.  Share this bread through laughter and crying, through communion, through life and love.  

We are all bread.  We are all the body.  We are to share in the goodness of the world with one another.  

Peace and Blessings!