Friday, June 17, 2011


I have successfully completed my first week of classes.

I'm grateful for the break this weekend will bring.  I am taking a trip with some classmates to Lake Atitlan.  I think it will be an awesome chance to converse with the other students in my school and see some of the wonders that Guatemala has to offer.

I ended my day today with a huge celebration.  Around 15 people came over to my host family's house and celebrated the cumpleaños (birthday) of Marcella, one of their daughters, as well as Dia del Padre.  They worked for two days making the traditional dinner of "Panches de papas".  At least thats what I think it is called... The dish was served on a dried palm leaf.  It was a combination of spices, vegetables, and (mostly) potatoes.  It was quite delicious!  They also baked a large cake for dessert.  It was by far the best meal I have eaten.

I am also recovering after feeling a bit off for the last few days.  The change of food made my stomach feel a bit funny, but nothing too serious.  Just a general malaise.  I don't think it helped that it has been much more cold and rainy here than I expected.  I had to borrow an umbrella from my family, and I still ended up with shoes that were soaked from walking to class.  When it rains here, there is little earth to absorb the water, so it ends up flooding some of the bigger streets in town.  So I ended up walking through a small river to get to an afternoon activity, which resulted in my canvas shoes and thus socks and feet getting pretty wet.  I'm glad I decided to bring two pairs of shoes with me.

I put some pictures onto Facebook from our chocolate making class.  They aren't many but it is something.  I am working on getting them attached to this blog.  But in the meantime, feel free to check them out there.

That's all for now.  I will try to update you when I get back on Sunday from the lake!


P.S.  If you haven't read The Hunger Games trilogy... you NEED to!!!!  I just finished it and it is definitely a contender for my favorite book(s).  All I can say is it pulled at my heart, made me laugh and cry.  A must read.  :)

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